Latte art can be tricky, especially for beginners. Here are some common mistakes and how to fix them:

### **1. Poor Milk Texture**
– **Mistake**: Large bubbles, frothy or overly thick milk.
– **Fix**: Focus on creating microfoam by keeping the steam wand just below the milk surface and swirling it properly.

### **2. Wrong Milk Temperature**
– **Mistake**: Overheating (above 160°F/70°C) or underheating (below 130°F/55°C).
– **Fix**: Stop steaming around 140-150°F (60-65°C) for the best texture and sweetness.

### **3. Pouring Too Fast or Too Slow**
– **Mistake**: A fast pour can break the crema; a slow pour can cause separation.
– **Fix**: Start slow to mix the milk and espresso, then increase speed to form the design.

### **4. Holding the Pitcher Incorrectly**
– **Mistake**: Poor control leads to uneven patterns.
– **Fix**: Hold the pitcher at a slight angle and control the tilt for precision.

### **5. Poor Cup Positioning**
– **Mistake**: Holding the cup too flat or moving it too much.
– **Fix**: Tilt the cup slightly towards the pitcher and keep it steady.

### **6. Not Enough Contrast in Design**
– **Mistake**: Patterns don’t stand out due to improper milk-to-espresso ratio.
– **Fix**: Ensure the crema is well-preserved and pour at the right height.

### **7. Incorrect Final Touches**
– **Mistake**: Swirling too much or using a toothpick incorrectly.
– **Fix**: Make small, controlled motions to refine the design without ruining the crema.

Would you like tips on improving specific latte art designs (like hearts, rosettas, or tulips)?

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