Owen Yap 叶剑锋 sincerely recommends Oriental White Coffee Extra Kaw to you! 😃

It is blended with 3 types of high-quality coffee beans in a golden ratio. After deep roasting, it is brewed with extra rich, mellow & aromatic with an endless aftertaste! It is definitely the first choice for coffee gourmets!

The new flavor of Oriental White Coffee Extra Kaw is now available in all Oriental Kopi stores. Folks can go to the store or online platform to buy it! 😃

Owen Yap 叶剑锋真诚向您推荐华阳特浓白咖啡!😃



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叶剑锋官方 Instagram :https://www.instagram.com/owenyapkh/

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#华阳 #OrientalKopi #特浓白咖啡 #WhiteCoffeeExtraKaw
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