Of Owning a Cafe and Other Heroic Deeds, Chapter Fifty-Eight
Aizawa Shouta knew, fundamentally, that his quirk could be useful when it came to helping others; however, after his parents died and a few, unsuccessful jaunts around the foster-care system later, he comes to realize that the world of heroes isn’t for him.
Because heroes only showed up some of the time; then, if you were lucky, they’d rush onto the scene, seek their glory in defeating villains and then vanish behind a screen of adoring-fans, TV cameras and fame… leaving the ordinary people behind to sift through the fragments of their broken lives themselves.
No one had saved him from the ruthless reality of being an orphan too old and too damaged to be adopted and no one gave a damn about the shady area ensconcing the care-centre he was raised in either, and so, he decides to give a damn.
What follows are the tales of Café Owner Aizawa who hasn’t adopted several kids, intimidated the local gangs, scared off the pimps and caused multiple villains and heroes to catch feels for him, no sir; he just serves drinks, provides decent food and helps struggling students with their homework.
It’d be irrational to think otherwise…
Original at https://archiveofourown.org/works/29229105?view_full_work=true
Happy Listening!