Latte Art That Will Get You FIRED
Tired of those certain guests always talking down to you, Talking on their phone, or worse… being friendly…
Well children today we are learning the pour that saved a generation of scumbag baristas and could be your new signature move on first dates… The Cockuccino (or cockaccino for americans)
Help me make this video not a Flopaccino and give it a like/ share it with your family.
This is intended as an art tutorial and the video does not encourage any personal attractions. With that out of the way.
0:00 – 0:22 Intro
0:23 – 1:57 First Eggplant
1:58 – 2:22 Troubleshooting your Cockucinno
2:23 – 3:50 Second Eggplant
3:51 – 7:08 Grand Finale (Freepour Seahorse)
If you are new and enjoyed this, welcome! My name is Emilee Bryant and we make fun (debatable) coffee videos here!
Want to see something specific? Comment below your interests in the videos to come!
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