How to Roast coffee beans using traditional way and machine roasters?
Making a Specialty coffee depends on the right and proper roasting of Green Coffee beans. In this video we learn the three ways of roasting coffee beans. The traditional way which uses the ordinary pan and cooked in traditional fire which is widely used in the rural areas. For large scale roasting of coffee beans, machine are used such as drum roasters and air hot roasters.
It is also noted that you need high quality green coffee beans specially sourced to single origin farms to ensure consistency of quality. The Barako beans used in the video came from the Alfonso Cavite Coffee Growers Association. They are a group of coffee farmers that bonded together to preserve the coffee heritage of the Alfonso Town. They are the accredited farms of The Coffee Heritage Project.
We would like to thank Mr. Rich Watanabe of SGD Coffee and Coffee Science Center for the permission to show how they roast the coffee beans using Hot Air Roaster.