Home Espresso Machine Tour, Breville Barista Express Review, And Favorite Coffee Tools
Yes, I did carry my machine all the way outside to take this thumbnail photo. Anyways, here’s everything I talked about in the video! I 100% recommend checking out any of these brands if you’re in the market for any home coffee setup goods c:
Also, I’m not sponsored by any of these companies, just showing what I use!
Machine: https://www.seattlecoffeegear.com/breville-barista-express-espresso-machine-bes870xl
Tamp/distributor: https://www.amazon.com/Distributor-MATOW-Portafilter-Adjustable-Professional/dp/B07ZT42HZF
Fellow Products 2.3oz cups: https://fellowproducts.com/products/joey-mugs?variant=29430944497779
Knockbox: https://www.breville.com/us/en/parts-accessories/accessories/bes001xl.html
Created Co Mug: https://thecreated.co/collections/ty-williams/products/ty-williams-kelp
Slow Pour Supply Pitchers: https://www.slowpoursupply.co/wpmpitchers