Business based on WhatsApp #1 | the.collection | Cafe Answer
We haven’t hosted a speaker of this caliber yet – an Instagrammer and showman. Known as a collector of unique cars, a gastronomy enthusiast who runs his own cafe and restaurant. the.collection profile on Instagram is followed by nearly 100,000 people. During the pandemic, he supported entrepreneurs by offering them free advertising of their own services on billboards in Poznań. He is known for his bold actions in the media. He organized a screening of a motoring film for fans, which then turned into a real integration event, to which he brought his favorite band the Rat City. During the Cafe Answer, he introduced us to the specifics of the aviation industry, and also talked about the cultural differences when doing business on several continents. There was also a few sentences about cooperation with lawyers.
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Śledź nas na Spotify:
Tytuł: Rock Drop And Roll
Nazwa kompozytora: – Soundimage Christopher Bernard
Organizacja: BMI
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