There are health benefits associated with drinking coffee, but is there too much of a good thing? How much coffee or caffeine is too much? I sought out find the answer to that question by seeing what the literature and studies say, as well as guidance from trusted doctors at Mayo Clinic on how much coffee and caffeine is too much.

The good news first, shows a possible association between coffee and decreased mortality including some protection against:

• Parkinson’s disease
• Type 2 diabetes
• Liver disease
• Heart attack & stroke

In addition to the antioxidants and health benefits in coffee, there are some risks as well for people with underlying medical issues, interference with medications, and cautions for pregnant or breastfeeding women among other things. Caffeine in coffee can also be a blessing and a curse. In the video I share information on just how much coffee and caffeine are too much in a day.

This video is about: caffeine in coffee, coffee, how much coffee is too much, how much coffee is good for you, health benefits of coffee, how much caffeine is in a cup of coffee, how much caffeine is too much, how much caffeine is in coffee, how many cups of coffee a day, how many cups of coffee is too much, side effects of caffeine, how much coffee per day, how much coffee a day is safe, how much coffee is good for health, how much coffee is safe, coffee health benefits