The Weeknd and Blue Bottle release new Samra Origin blends


Blue Bottle, in collaboration with artist Abel Tesfaye, known professionally as ‘The Weeknd’, have released the next installment of the Samra origins series: Samra Origins Single Origin Vol. 1 and Samra Origins Single Origin Vol. 2.

Tesfaye helped create the Samra Origins Blend series with his mother after they were inspired to deconstruct the nuanced notes of the coffee.

Sourced from the Hambela Estate, Samra Origins Single Origin Vol. 1 showcases bold fruit flavours and softer floral notes, while Samra Origins Single Origin Vol. 2 has a lighter, delicate acidity coupled with citrus notes.

Samra Origins Single Origin Vol. 1 is naturally processed, a method which dates back centuries to the first coffee crop grown and processed in Ethiopia. This includes drying coffee cherries whole without any mechanical intervention.

Samra Origins Single Origin Vol. 2 was made with washed processing which produces coffee with lighter notes of tart fruit and bright florals. Organic matter is stripped from the coffee bean and washed with water before being dried, giving the coffee a cleaner taste.

Both blends will be available for a limited time starting Thursday 28 September. Each single origin coffee will be sold for $22 per bag of whole bean.

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