Report: Daily US Coffee Consumption Hits 20-Year High

Daily coffee consumption is up to a 20-year high among United States adults, with more than two thirds (67%) of people saying they drank coffee within the past day, according to the latest report from the National Coffee Association.

Ready-to-drink (RTD) coffee has jumped to number three on the list of top coffee preparations used within the past day, behind automatic drip and single-cup brewers, and ahead of espresso machines.

The NCA’s semiannual National Coffee Data Trends (NCDT) report came on the eve of the largest gathering of coffee professionals ever expected in the United States, the annual Specialty Coffee Expo in Chicago, hosted by a separate coffee trade organization, the Specialty Coffee Association.

Both events signal a thriving U.S. consumer market that has fully rebounded from pandemic-driven drops. A 2023 report from the NCA found that U.S. consumers spend more than $301 million per day on coffee and related goods.

The NCA, which represents many of the country’s largest coffee roasters, traders, logistics providers and allied companies, has been commissioning the study, which it dubs “The Atlas of American Coffee,” since 1950. The study provides data on consumption trends across numerous demographics related to overall consumption, drink types, preparation methods, home vs. out-of-home consumption, consumer sentiments and more.

The latest report is available as part of a broader market reporting package to NCA members and non-members for $499 and $1,499, respectively.

Here are some of the big takeaways from the Spring 2024 report:

Past-Day Coffee Consumption is Up

Among all survey participants, the number who reported drinking coffee within the past day was 67%, which compares to 62% in the 2020 report that narrowly predated the COVID-19 pandemic and 61% 10 years ago, in 2014.

The survey found that Americans self-reported drinking an average of 2.7 cups of coffee per day. According to the report, 63% of drinkers had what they described as a “traditional” coffee drink within the past day, and 57% had a “specialty” coffee drink, such as an espresso-based drink.

At-Home Consumption Remains Above Pre-Pandemic Levels

Among all past-day coffee drinkers, 83% reported having coffee at home, up by 4% since January 2020. Conversely, 35% reported having coffee prepared away from home, down from 41% in January 2020. Both those numbers echoed those found in the 2023 report.

Latte is the Top Espresso-Based Beverage

Following a three-way tie last spring between straight espresso, latte and cappuccino, latte reigned supreme this year, capturing 18% of favor, ahead of espresso (16%), cappuccino (14%), mocha (11%) and Americano (9%).

Ready-to-Drink Surges

Drip coffee makers remained the most popular brewing method among daily drinkers, at 37%. The second most popular home brewer type was single-serve machines (28%), the same number as last year. The use of RTD increased 8% over last year to reach 15%. Rounding out the most popular methods were espresso machines (10%) and instant coffee (8%).

More information on the Spring 2023 NCDT report can be found here.

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