Mahlkoenig Coffee Grinders

Espresso Grinder > Mahlkoenig Coffee Grinders

Mahlkoenig Coffee Grinders

Product Details:

The E80W Grind-by-Sync is our first espresso grinder featuring the groundbreaking technology of The Sync System. The E80W Grind-by-Sync* is a significant evolution of the E80S Grind-by-Weight, showcasing remarkable new features and delivering the ultimate innovation in efficient workflows and consistent coffee quality.

Equipped with cloud-enabled connectivity, the E80W GbS offers an electrical adjustment of the burr distance. This adjustment can still be precisely controlled manually by the barista or, when synchronized with a La Marzocco machine**, it automatically aligns with the target extraction time. The E80W GbS incorporates an intelligent algorithm, enhancing its ability to manage burr distance with precision, ensuring the perfect extraction every time.

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