How Cimbali Group’s rebrand addresses customer needs


Cimbali Group explains how it anticipates customer needs with digital solutions and innovative fully automatic machines to achieve excellent service.

Brand reinvention is not always easy, especially if you’re a company with more than 100 years of history consisting of passion, tradition, and coffee culture. Yet in 2023, that’s exactly what Cimbali Group has been able to do, presenting itself under a new banner. Cimbali Group Chief Marketing and Solutions Officer Maurizio Tursini says the rebrand better expresses the identity of the company which has evolved over time with an unrelenting commitment to product and service innovation.

“Cimbali Group embraces the perfect mix of product, technology, tradition, and history. It is a classic example of a company that dives into the future with innovation while staying connected to its tradition and roots,” Tursini says.

“This applies not only to our machines but also to our value-added solutions that a professional or coffee lover buys when choosing a product from our brands.”

Tursini says the global coffee community is responding to challenges confronting all industries, including cost pressures, staff shortages, and increasing consumer awareness.

This means customer needs are changing and Cimbali Group is offering products to adapt.

“To facilitate market demand, we are producing machines that solve these issues through automation and innovation. We are making it as easy as possible for baristas to use the machines and train staff, technicians to fix any issues, and offering the best experience to consumers,” says Tursini.

He says the S-Lite fully automatic espresso machine, under the LaCimbali brand, is the ideal solution that caters to current market challenges.

“The S-Lite is a significant machine allowing us to enter a specific segment of the market with our new digital solution. We have collaborated with [remote control software company] TeamViewer to launch a new Global Remote Service Program for our corporate customers,” says Tursini.

“Thanks to TeamViewer’s secure connectivity solution, technicians from Cimbali Group or one of our distributors can remotely access clients’ machines to quickly solve problems, and thereby reduce machine downtime and minimise revenue loss for the customer.”

Telemetry solutions and data communication, which is sent by the machine to a web platform, can be used for statistical consumption analysis of the number of drinks dispensed, both in total and per selection, for example.

“The technology also means the machine can be monitored constantly, as it provides a real-time snapshot of all the machine’s parts and communicates any errors or malfunctions directly to the technician,” says Tursini.

Tursini says the company considers two main factors when creating new equipment: quality coffee and milk texturing.

“Our machines are very reliable in terms of quality in the cup. LaCimbali’s Perfect Grinding System provides constant control of coffee-dispensing parameters so the grinder-doser, connected to the machine via Bluetooth, automatically carries out any grinding and dosing corrections to ensure optimal and constant dispensing,” he says.

The BDS (Barista Drive System), an integrated system, facilitates the work of the barista by maintaining a dialogue between the machine and grinder-doser.

“This innovative technology guides the barista step-by-step through all the beverage preparation stages, from grinding the coffee to dispensing. The BDS enables the on-demand, wireless grinder-doser to identify the coffee dose to grind , dispense it, and communicate this to the machine,” Tursini says.

“This system is extremely useful when there are several grinder-dosers with different coffee blends. The grinder-doser tells the machine which blend has been selected and indicates the appropriate coffee dosage. Only the buttons for the recipe compatible with the dispensed blend will light up, while the others are disabled, preventing potential operator error.”

Tursini says Cimbali Group’s machines also enable consistent milk texturing, saving the barista time and accelerating their workflow without sacrificing quality.

“This is also an important feature, as we want any barista to be able to perfect dairy and dairy alternative milk frothing using our machines,” he says.

Under the rebrand, Cimbali Group also has a renewed vision that places people at the centre, and sustainability as the driving force behind a business model that sees collaboration, diversity, and inclusion as essential to future growth.

“Sustainability is a strategic asset for our company. It’s not a project to us. It’s a culture,” says Cimbali Group Sustainability Manager Chiara Caldarola. “Here at Cimbali Group, we enhance our collaborators, reduce the environmental impact of our machines, and optimise emissions from both processes and plants for the benefit of society and the planet.”

The machine manufacturer embraces four sustainable development goals: people, product, planet, and partnership.

“We published our second sustainability report on our website to showcase our commitment. The report highlights how we have contributed to these goals, such as hiring 53 disadvantaged workers in 2022, developing solutions capable of increasing energy efficiency and ensuring 100 per cent of electricity comes from renewable resources, to name a few,” says Caldarola.

“This is part of a dynamic process of change which has seen us take another step forward, broadening our vision of the future and redefining our market position more effectively.”

As Cimbali Group’s vision concentrates on people’s needs and providing customers with specific and comprehensive solutions, Tursini hopes it will attract new customers in 2024.

“Our new ethos is customer centric. It lays the guidelines for a more integrated business approach in which the focus of the product range is not just the espresso machine but the value-added services a professional or coffee lover acquires when choosing a Cimbali Group brand product,” he says.

“The company has evolved significantly over the past 110 years. We are now working on shifting the paradigm from simply selling coffee products to also selling services and connectivity. These are what we call solutions,” says Tursini.

In saying that, Cimbali Group remains committed to innovation and is focused on merging into new markets in 2024 and new product releases in 2025.

“We believe fully automatic machines represent the future of the global coffee industry and we are on board that train,” says Tursini.

“We have very important plans for the future. We want to increase our offering, develop more solutions that are capable of responding to market needs and continuously improve our technology. I can’t give away too much yet, but let’s just say we are investing a lot in the fully automatic world.”

In the meantime, Tursini says Cimbali Group aims to be recognised as a market leader in solutions and services related to professional coffee machines, coffee grinders, and milk-based beverages.

“We’re going to do this with innovative products that anticipate the needs of the market, with functionality and design capable of putting the perfect tool in the hands of every barista to express their talent,” he says.

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This article was first published in the March/April 2024 edition of Global Coffee Report. Read more HERE.

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