Coffee Supreme on how well-maintained equipment elevates a café’s reputation

Coffee Supreme’s Australian Technician Lead Llew Goodwin shares his insights into the world of coffee technicians and how well-maintained equipment elevates a café’s reputation.

According to Coffee Supreme, the secret to success in the coffee world lies not only in the quality of the beans but in the machinery that transforms beans into the perfect brew. Australian Technician Lead Llew Goodwin says having the best equipment on the bench will put you two steps ahead.

“Coffee Supreme has taken this concept to the next level, offering an exceptional in-house tech support service that’s just a phone call away. Our service includes taking care of procuring your machinery, partnering with La Marzocco to provide top-of-the-line equipment, setting it up and keeping it running smoothly. We offer comprehensive in-house technical support and maintain your equipment year-round. We’re on call 6am to 6pm, seven days a week,” Llew says.

“We like to think of ourselves as the coffee department of successful cafés.”

Llew started working with Coffee Supreme in 2018. He didn’t grow up with aspirations to be a technician, but after starting his own café at 23 years old with a friend in New South Wales, he developed a passion for coffee he couldn’t shake.

“We decided to sell the business, move to Melbourne, and pick up jobs to learn new skills. I started working at a coffee roastery, and when a job came up for a junior technician, everything clicked into place for me, and I knew I’d found my calling,” Llew says.

Llew says Coffee Supreme has allowed him to reach his full potential as Lead Technician.

“Getting to Friday afternoon and knowing that I’ve seen as many customers as I can and made their lives easier allows me to enjoy the weekend knowing how many cafés have happy, healthy coffee machines,” he says.

Coffee Supreme has technicians in each major city of Australia. Llew says the roaster is one of the few left in the country that has its own in-house technicians.

“From a customer perspective, it’s rare to see roasters that still have an in-house technician service offering, but it makes a big difference to our customers to be on hand to support their business. To be the head of this department is really rewarding and encouraging to see Coffee Supreme continue to invest in that level of service,” says Llew.

He says regular servicing and maintenance of the espresso machine is crucial to consistently providing café customers with the best experience possible.

“Keeping an eye on flow rates, steam leaks and water quality is really important. Choosing the right water filter is also vital, as the wrong one can damage stainless steel, brass or copper components and leave you with a pretty big bill before you know it,” Llew says.

“Quite often technical issues develop slowly, so the barista may not be aware of any problems. It’s important to regularly maintain your coffee machine every few months.”

Llew says the crux of his job is about how to best serve the customer. He says that includes the core principles of human interaction, building a relationship with the customer, seeking out to understand their needs, and how he can apply himself to meet those expectations.

“There’s something special about sharing contact details with a customer to be able to call or send a quick text, versus connecting via a 1800 number that goes straight to voice mail,” he says. “If a customer has an issue with a refurbished machine, I’ve probably unboxed that machine myself at the factory at some point and will know it well. It’s that level of accessibility and connection that sets us apart.”

Llew adds that being a roaster customers can trust can leave a lasting impact; consistent quality of service means a great experience and long-lasting connections.

“We recently had a customer travel from Warrnambool to get their wedding photos taken in front of our café,” he says. “They loved the Coffee Supreme experience so much that they wanted to capture it on the happiest day of their lives.”

Llew says the Coffee Supreme team is a motivated crew of professionals striving for excellence in all things coffee and hospitality.

“With teams in major cities throughout Australasia and Japan, we’re always on the lookout for talented and committed people who want a meaningful career in a multi- faceted and exciting industry,” says Llew.

“From sourcing and roasting great coffees, to supplying and supporting brilliant customers, to operating exceptional hospitality sites themselves, Coffee Supreme is focussed on creating exceptional experiences for their customers, or as they like to put it, better coffee for all.”

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This article appears in the December 2023 edition of BeanScene. Subscribe HERE.