Campos Coffee reaffirms commitment to sourcing principles


Sydney roaster Campos Coffee has reaffirmed its commitment to its five coffee-sourcing principles: sustainability, quality, long-term relationships, traceability, and transparency.

The principles build on the company’s aim to buy 100 per cent of its coffee direct from origin and to help drive economic growth within the industry.

“Purchasing direct means, we are determined to achieve a mutually beneficial form of trade with these producers, one that strengthens relationships through discussion and information sharing,” says Campos Coffee Head of Coffee Adam Matheson.

“We have endeavoured to build and cultivate such direct relationships with farmers and producers since we began purchasing direct in 2010, and are gratified to have many of those relationships continuing to this day.”

Supporting coffee producers to build a sustainable future is at the company’s core alongside its mission to reduce its impact on the environment.

“We are mindful of our effect on the environment and seek to lessen our impact. Our Supplier Code of Conduct emphasises pollution prevention, waste minimisation, and environmental impact management,” says Adam.

To further promote its purchasing principles, Campos Coffee emphasises its focus on quality.

“We hold several daily cupping sessions of our roast batches and we record thorough analysis in these sessions that is used to continually improve roast quality,” says Adam.

“We also frequently check the physical attributes of the green beans we purchase to ensure they are stored in prime conditions and are used within their peak quality window.”

With more than 60 per cent of its coffee purchased through long-term relationships, Campos Coffee Green Bean Buyer Lloyd Thom highlights the pride the company has in its transparent producer partnerships.

“We are keen to be involved in ensuring producers are paid fairly for their coffee and choose to be active in helping shape a better, more sustainable future for coffee producers, of which we feel transparency plays a key part,” says Lloyd.

In addition to this, the company has made a commitment to consider each of its sourcing principles in every transaction it encounters when purchasing coffee.

“We consider [the sourcing principles] our guiding light and a measure of accountability to hold ourselves to. We think it’s critical for our success and a good example to set. There’s a mutual benefit to all parties involved when we have these principles at the centre of our decision making,” says Lloyd.

Founded by Will Young in Newton, Sydney, in 2002, Campos Coffee is on a mission to import specialty coffees from a wide range of origins around the world.

For more information, click here.
