Expocacer receives regenerative certification label


The Cerrado Coffee Growers Cooperative (Expocacer) has become one of the first in the world to receive a regenerative certification label.

The label verifies the origin and quality of coffee produced using regenerative practices.

Expocacer boasts 5500 hectares of regenerative coffee and to acquire the certification, its environmental, social, and governance responsibility was evaluated.

“Projects and initiatives that work to promote sustainable actions within the coffee community were essential for this achievement, along with our exclusive department dedicated to sustainability-related matters, where we provide guidance to our members,” says Simão Pedro de Lima, Executive Director of Expocacer.

Regenerative coffee farming adopts practices aimed at increasing biodiversity, protecting water resources, preserving soil health, and enhancing the resilience of agricultural systems.

The cooperative says the advantages of regenerative practices include the preservation of flora and fauna, cost reduction, decreased pollution, improved coffee quality, increased resilience to climate change, and reduced deforestation.

“This certification strengthens our commitment to ensuring sustainable and high-quality coffee production for our cooperative members, customers, employees, and commercial and institutional partners,” says Farlla Gomes, Sustainability Manager of Expocacer.

This year, with support from Brazilian Support Service for Micro and Small Businesses (Sebrae), Expocacer has certified 14 cooperative members, a number expected to rise to 24 by the end of 2023.

Recently, the world’s first regenerative agriculture-certified coffee began to be distributed globally in retail by the Italian brand IllyCaffè. The product is available in 50 countries, with plans to expand to 140 by 2024.

“This achievement directly influences the core of our business – it’s the conjunction of a set of ideas, strategies, and attitudes that are ecologically correct, economically viable and socially fair, ensuring a supply without compromising the one future generations,” says Flávia Nunes, Director of Operations and Logistics at Expocacer.

Regenagri, a global entity dedicated to ensuring soil health and preservation, conducted the certification audit, with certification from British organisation Control Union.

Expocacer was established in 1993 and promotes coffee quality and the work of its members in Brazil and around the world through significant socio-environmental initiatives and contributions to the regional economy.

The cooperative’s infrastructure includes two warehouses with a capacity for over one million bags. It serves 680 producers, exporting to more than 30 countries across five continents.

For more information, visit expocaccer.com.br/en/

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