Probat’s Hamburg Dresdner Maschinenfabriken celebrates 10th anniversary


Probat is celebrating the 10th anniversary of its cocoa and chocolate machine manufacturer Hamburg Dresdner Maschinenfabriken (HDM).

HDM was founded in 2013 to cover the entire process chain, from the cocoa bean to the finished chocolate bar, after the takeover of the Scottish Ladco Group and the merger of the established brands MacIntyre, Beetz, Petzholdt-Heidenauer, and Bauermeister, a subsidiary of Probat.

“We had the know-how and wanted to expand into a related sector,” says Probat CEO Wim Abbing. “Like coffee, cocoa and chocolate are products where refining requires fundamental product knowledge and an understanding of the processing conditions that influence the taste and aroma.”

From pre-treatment plants, winnowers, roasters, grinders, refiners, and conches to moulding and enrobing plants HDM covers all process technology needed for cocoa refining and chocolate production as well as size reduction technology for related industries.

“Ten years later, HDM has become the one-stop-shop provider for the global cocoa and chocolate industry synonymous with high-quality components within an exceptionally broad range of machinery and equipment,” says Abbing. “We are proud that HDM is a part of the PROBAT Group of companies and are very happy to celebrate the 10th anniversary together this year.”

HDM operates its own Research and Development Centre in Dresden, which houses not only a laboratory but also all the process technology needed to develop new products.

For more information, click here.

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