Day 19 of my espresso and latte art journey! Today, I managed to pour another decent design—slowly but surely getting more consistent. Learning to steam milk properly and control my pour has been a challenge, but progress is happening!

Watch as I pull a shot on my Lelit Mara X with the DF54 grinder and attempt to improve my latte art. Let me know what you think!

My Coffee Station:
Lelit Mara X V2 (Limited Gold Edition)
DF54 Grinder
MHW-3Bomber WDT Tool, Spring Loaded Tamper, Blind Shaker
Sprio PRO V5 Spirographic WDT Tool
KRUVE Imagine Double Wall Latte Glasses
Normcore V4 Spring-loaded Tamper
Timemore Black Mirror Basic 2.0 Scale

#LelitMaraX #DF54 #homebarista #espressoworkflow #espressomachine