Switching over from “normal” coffee beans to freshly roasted coffee beans, may seem easy – in reality, there’s quite a lot to be aware of when making the change. Hopefully this video will help.


Simplifying Dialling in Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpvTS0sPQCo_ukCdc0rByrspcAlIpmkaU

Freshly roasted high-quality coffee beans from The Coffeeworks (my website): https://cworks.co.uk (use discount code yt25 for 25% off your first order).
Coffee blog: https://coffeeblog.co.uk


0:00 Intro
0:22 Using the wrong basket?
1:45 Understanding the variables
2:34 Degassing
3:43 A word from myself
4:23 Let’s make coffee
4:41 Pre-emptive grind size adjustment
6:05 Adjusting the grind amount
6:59 Dose volume
7:51 Re-programming shot volume
9:46 Shot buttons & shot time
10:07 Coffee Kev’s comment of the week
10:39 Members shoutouts
11:02 Tatty Bye

#coffeebeans #coffeebean #coffeelover #homebarista