A Beginner's Guide To Coffee Roasting At Home
What coffee roaster should I buy? Where do you find green, unroasted coffee beans? What is first crack? Roasting coffee at home can be easy, let’s get you started.
0:00 – A Beginners Guide to Coffee Roasting
0:15 – Why Roast?
1:12 – Do It (Methods/Options)
4:34 – Terminology
6:25 – Source It (Suppliers/Origin)
9:28 – Plan It
12:34 – Track It
14:39 – Recommendations
16:51 – Cupping and Resting
18:17 – Store It
22:02 – To Be Continued…
Sweet Maria’s Green Coffee https://www.sweetmarias.com/green-coffee.html
Nostalgia Popcorn Popper https://www.sweetmarias.com//nostalgia-electric-popcorn-popper.html
Popper Coffee Roaster https://www.sweetmarias.com/popper.html
Fresh Roast SR800 https://www.sweetmarias.com/fresh-roast-sr800.html
Hive Roaster https://hiveroaster.com/
Behmor 2000AB Plus Coffee Roaster https://www.sweetmarias.com/behmor-2000ab-plus-roaster.html
Kaldi Mini Coffee Roaster https://www.amazon.com/KALDI-200-250g-Including-Thermometer-Required/dp/B01MZYZT5B/
Gene Cafe Roaster https://www.sweetmarias.com/roasted-coffee-color-card.html
Roast Vision https://espressovision.com/product/roast-vision-v1/
Roasted Coffee Color Card https://www.sweetmarias.com/roasted-coffee-color-card.html
Airscape https://www.amazon.com/Airscape-Stainless-Canister-Container-Freshness/dp/B09NP4ZMFS
Atmos https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PZ8KZ4G
STØR https://storvessels.com
Have you been thinking about coffee roasting at home but still stuck at which home coffee roaster to buy or not sure how to source unroasted coffee? Watch this video about roasting coffee at home for those just starting out and you’ll get our recommendations on how to choose your first home coffee roasting machine and how to go about sourcing green coffee for roasting–and what gotchas to watch out for!
Not exactly the video version of Scott Rao’s Coffee Roasters Companion, but for the aspiring home roaster we think it will get you off to a good start! Coffee roasting made simple or coffee roasting for dummies more like. It will get you to first crack coffee and beyond with whatever coffee roaster you have, be it a Fresh Roast sr540, Huky, Ikawa, Hottop or an Aillio Bullet R1.
The best home coffee roaster is the one you have right now, and the basics of roasting coffee is the same whichever that is: start with high-quality green coffee, stick to a batch size that does not to over-load the roaster, preheat with the appropriate charge temperature for the chosen batch size and coffee, create a roast profile that drives heat into the beans as quickly and efficiently as possible while avoiding roast defects, the drop it while it’s hot… and cool quickly! For more on best practices and to learn how to roast coffee, watch the video!
For other installments in our Espresso University series, https://flairespresso.com/blog/