Today I share how to germinate coffee beans.

Coffee plants for sale:
This is the type of heat mat I have used:
My booklet on growing caffeine:

You really need to have fresh seeds or you won’t have luck growing coffee. I ended up buying my own coffee tree from a rare plant nursery so I would have a source of fresh seeds. When I tried to buy coffee seeds through the mail I was disappointed and have 0% germination. You might have luck with some fresh green coffee beans but I can’t say. It’s probably worth trying, but the germination rate really does deteriorate on coffee beans pretty quickly. Once you plant your coffee beans, give them time to grow. It takes quite a while. Mine ranged from over a month to about 4 months to germinate. I have grown both Coffea arabica and Coffea liberica at this point and find germinating coffee beans from both types to be similar. It takes 2-3 years for a coffee tree to bear fruit. Keep your seeds moist, keep them warm, and wait! Have fun and thanks for watching.

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