Breville Bambino Espresso Machine

Breville Bambino Espresso Machine

Breville Bambino Espresso Machine

Product Details:

The Breville Bambino Espresso Machine’s box follows the Bambino Plus model of putting all the main information on the box’s narrow sides, to further emphasize the svelte nature of the machine. Opening it reveals the very detailed product manual on top of the styro cocoon. Lifting that shows some of The Bambino’s bits and parts: descaling powder, the portafilter, 3 filter baskets and Breville’s 54mm plastic tamper.

Removing the cocoon of styro from the box, be careful because the steaming pitcher, in its smaller box, is wedged in on the side. Once that is removed, lift one side of the styro cocoon and the machine, wrapped in lots of plastic, is half-revealed. Getting the machine out of its nest leaves you with removing more plastic to see the machine in its glory. There’s a bit more plastic protecting the reservoir lid, and some tape keeping the reservoir and drip tray secure; remove those, and the machine is ready to set up.

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