Breville Barista Express Impress: Amazon's Best Selling Integrated Tamper Espresso Machine
In this video, we look at the Breville (Sage) Barista Express Impress home espresso machine, and what sets it apart from other espresso machines – namely the integrated tamper, and adaptive dosing. The integrated tamper applies force via a toggle joint, and is tolerant of varying doses, even between 14-18 grams for a double shot. The adaptive dosing adjusts the dose amount, based on the tamper depth when the preset pressure is reached. It’s really an ingenuitive design. Add to that 25 instead of 15 grinder settings, and a beautiful pearly Sea Salt color, and you’ve got yourself a winner!
*Big Cyber Monday deals from Breville and Amazon this week! Check links below for pricing.
— Products used/recommended in this video —
(these are affiliate links* that help fund videos like this, at no extra cost to you)
► Breville Barista Express Impress (buy from Sage/Breville directly):
► Breville (Sage) Barista Express Impress (or Amazon if you prefer):
► Sage (Breville) 54mm Gear:
Portafilter, basket, tamper, etc.
Machine source: provided by Breville Group**
Release day: Monday, 9 a.m.
**No worries, these are my own honest impressions of the machine. Breville does not see the video before anyone else, or have any impact on the video.
0:00 Intro & Accessories
1:27 Machine Unboxing
2:05 Commissioning
3:44 Adjusting the grinder
5:07 Adaptive Dosing and Espresso Demo
8:17 Bottomless with no WDT
11:04 Manual dosing
12:38 Milk Steaming
14:18 Pros & Cons
17:45 Wife Acceptance Factor
*DISCLOSURE: The above and Amazon links lead to Amazon, and since I am an affiliate, help fund videos like this one, at no extra cost to you.
#TomsCoffeeCorner #Breville #baristaexpressimpress