Join GCR’s Technology and Software Feature


Technology advances are what pushes the industry forward. It’s what enables coffee producers, traders, roasters and baristas to reach new heights of consistency and quality. It’s what makes processing lines more efficient, coffee machine equipment more intuitive, and plant operations more streamlined.

Each phase of the value chain is becoming more reliant on automation, technology and equipment that provides data, knowledge, and the tools to empower decision-making and a market hungry for information.

How does your business embrace technology and software solutions?

In the March/April edition of Global Coffee Report, we invite you to share what this theme means to you.

Does your business offer the latest must-have equipment in:

Automated processing
Roasting technology and pilot plants
App-based software
Green bean processing
Freight and logistics
Coffee grinding technology
Traditional and automatic coffee machines
Telemetry, IoT, recording and data collection

Don’t miss the opportunity to share your products and services with our readers.

Expressions of interest will close on 30 January 2024. To secure your place, or for more information, please contact Business Development Manager Adele Haywood at or on +61 403 500 544.

The post Join GCR’s Technology and Software Feature appeared first on Global Coffee Report.